Stop Wasting Your Time Reading Negative Stuff

Sue Dhillon
4 min readJul 30, 2019
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

So as a Reiki Master and Mindfulness Trainer I spend most days working with energy in some form.

As a writer my energy is spent sharing inspiration. And while I’m a realist and existentialist it’s important to acknowledge life is not all peachy keen all of the time.

However that’s the Mindfulness at play. It’s essential to understand the nature of life in order to find true happiness and have some sense of peace and solace in this incarnation.

Mindfulness allows us to live from a place of greater depth from moment to moment. It gives us a greater understanding of life. We are able to better go with the ebbs and flows.

The ultimate point is to have deeper understanding and be more at ease with the highs and lows, the good and the bad.

And we all know that life is hard and at times very challenging. It’s never just smooth sailing and that is the nature of life. It’s having this deeper understanding that will allow us to have a richer experience that leads us to the gateway of profundity and depth otherwise unimaginable.

And in practicing Mindfulness we are able to bring greater awareness and presence to each and every moment.

So here is why you need to stop reading negative things.

