Resolve Conflict Like A Pro

Sue Dhillon
6 min readJan 7, 2023

So we all have had our share of conflict and it might surprise you to know that you can resolve it like a pro. It’s possible. And this is the one thing as a mindfulness trainer that always gets me. This notion that people just walk away from hard conversations cause they just do not believe that conflict can be resolved. Well I’m here to tell you it can be.

The First Step To Resolving Conflict

The first step to resolving conflict is bringing awareness and emotional intelligence to the exchange. You can not arrive at a resolution to conflict with your ego. Your need to be right must also subside. And your need to blame and speak must also be tapered. None of these entail a potential resolution to conflict. If you are truly intent on resolving the conflict then you will begin to approach it in a whole new way.

It’s like they say — “you can’t expect a new result by doing the same old thing.” I’m not sure who said this, but they were spot on.

So again I find so many people wanting or claiming to want resolution, but they go down that same path of blame and shame with little interest in listening and hearing the other person out.

Do This To Begin The Resolution Process Like A Pro

