Make A List Of 50 People You’ve Ever Appreciated Or Loved

Sue Dhillon
3 min readFeb 7, 2023
Who do you love? Make a list and feel the gratitude well up inside of you.
Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

As a spiritual seeker I’ve been on a quest to gain insights for myself and through my work for others.

As a former network tv journalist I’ve been asking questions for a really long time. I believe we all have a story and my lifelong inquisition to learn and grow has set me on a path to always be in search of an insight or two that can help me and someone else along the journey.

While I’ve left the news business I’m still doing the same work. I’m writing, asking questions and sharing the insights with as many people as I can.

I’ll take this moment to expend gratitude for the enormous growth of my podcast. It’s now been downloaded in more than 60 countries around the world.

I say this not to boast, but to affirm that the universe is indeed listening as I have followed my heart and am manifesting my dreams to spread love, light and insights one episode at a time.

I had the delight recently on my Blossom Your Awesome Podcast to speak to a true spiritual seeker and master, Jonathan Robinson.

Listen in to the wisdom he offers here on Ep. #94 — Attaining Enlightenement.

He has interviewed more than a hundred of the greatest spiritual teachers including Her Holiness Mother Theresa in the 80’s. He’s…

