Emotional Archaeology | Getting To The Root Of Our Feelings

Sue Dhillon
4 min readJan 18, 2023
Feelings and emotions must be tended to. We must allow whatever wants to come up for resolution come up.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Much like pulling weeds getting to the root, the essence, the heart of our matter takes some coaxing.

So many of us harbor hurts and wounds deep inside our being.

We walk around lugging heavy emotional baggage that is slowly picking away at our core, eating away at our hearts and building permanent scars within.

It seems so daunting a task to drop the weight. Perhaps it’s this notion that the baggage can only be surrendered by feeling the full weight of the pain?(Check out my post on emotional resilience here.)

Letting go will resurrect the hurt that idles inside and it’s true. It does take acknowledging the load in order to release it once and for all. And that is a mighty heavy burden to shoulder.

The pain that comes up sometimes is so hard to bare that we’d rather pretend it’s not there and weigh ourselves down by carrying the baggage around.

Photo by Minh Trần on Unsplash

However the liberty that comes with the release, the forgiveness, the sanctity that is felt when we say, “No more! I carry you no more.”

